Imagine a shooter where you can't shoot, or a fighter where you can't fight. Sounds stupid right? Well here's a brawler where you can't brawl! In Buggly Luggers, you assume control of Lugg (short for 'Little Ugg'), a small.... creature, who can barely lift a knife. To defeat enemies, you have to rely on your troll friend Bugg (short for 'Big Ugg') to take care of them for you. Here's the catch though - Bugg is slow, and stupid. Lugg has to distract enemies to protect Bugg while Bugg does the heavy lifting. Scatter marbles, throw pocket sand, and yell obscenities to protect Bugg from both the Piggs and himself while you try to bring the Pig King to justice!


Beta changes:

Bugg Voice Changes

Audio Balance tweaks

UI Updates

Dodge removed

Control’s simplified

Tutorial Updated

Dummy hit SFX disabled

Additional dialogue added

Reworked pig movement

‘Hail Mary’ attack fixes

Death sequence updates

Pause menu added (esc)

New enemy

3 new screens

New background animations

Updated dynamic soundtrack

Added health pickups


This project is being developed for the practical side of my 4th years Honours in Games Design and Production. The primary focus of this project is to develop Player-NPC relationships through use of mechanics, dialogue, and character design to create experiences where players feel attached to the characters they are playing with. This game forces cooperation on a mechanical level, as well as providing the characters with endearing traits to try and forge a friendship between the player and Bugg.

This project is still a work in progress, and will be finished some time around late May 2023. This version has been posted for friends and colleagues to try, provide feedback on, and shower me with endless compliments about how amazing I am. 

Current build notes:

This build of the game is the minimum viable product - I might add the pig king end fight if I have time, but I have a lot of work still to get through as one might imagine. 


Assets List:

The game was created using Unity. 

The music in the game was created using FL Studio.

The Instruments in the game come from the Spyro Soundfont Collection. available at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpj4-XBS9Op9Uzjjm-50Tzw

The audio recordings were taken using https://online-voice-recorder.com/.

The audio was trimmed using https://audiotrimmer.com/.

The marbles sound effect was sourced from https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/dropping-candy-marbles-stones-crash-scatter-06....

The bit-crush audio effect was sourced from https://www.reddit.com/r/Unity3D/comments/egqjt6/bitcrusher_audio_effect/

The screen shake effect was adapted from code sourced from https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/different-ways-of-shaking-camera-in-unity...

Mouse button icon sourced from https://iconsplace.com/white-icons/mouse-right-click-icon-18/ 

The visual assets in the game were created using Marmoset Hexels 3.


Luggly Buggers Download 43 MB


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couldn't get passed the tutorial and then got thrown into a wall and stuck until I died in the game

Thanks for the feedback! Could you provide more details about how you got stuck in the tutorial and whereabouts you got stuck in the wall? Thanks!